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3M Carpet Series

3M Nomad 6050C

Hollow-out design scratch dust and keep them from re-tracking into indoor area. Durable and easy to clean. Patting the bottom of the mat to shake the dust out or simply vacuum cleaning the mat. Neat and simple design. Vinyl will not fade when exposed to sunlight, suitable for outdoor usage.


3M Nomad 6050C

Hollow-out design scratch dust and keep them from re-tracking into indoor area. Durable and easy to clean. Patting the bottom of the mat to shake the dust out or simply vacuum cleaning the mat. Neat and simple design. Vinyl will not fade when exposed to sunlight, suitable for outdoor usage.

3M Nomad 8850

A blend of two different nylon fibres provides exceptional dirt and water removal. Solution-dyed method used to resist fading and staining.

3M Nomad 8850

A blend of two different nylon fibres provides exceptional dirt and water removal. Solution-dyed method used to resist fading and staining.

3M Nomad 4000

A blend of two different nylon fibres provides exceptional dirt and water removal. Solution-dyed method used to resist fading and staining. 

3M Nomad 4000

A blend of two different nylon fibres provides exceptional dirt and water removal. Solution-dyed method used to resist fading and staining. 

3M Nomad 1000

Fibres made of Polypropylene and Polyester to achieve durability, absorption and the ability to dry quickly. Three-line plush embossment designed for higher durability. Coarse fibres scratch dust and thin fibre absorb water.

​Feel free to contact us for further information about 3M matting. Sample can be provided upon request.




1. 什麼是3M地墊?


2. 3M地墊的主要特點

2.1 防火性能


2.2 防滑設計


2.3 尺寸與款式選擇


  • 3尺 x 5尺
  • 4尺 x 6尺
  • 3尺 x 10尺
  • 更多可訂制尺寸

3. 3M地墊在家庭中的應用

3.1 在兒童遊戲區使用的好處


3.2 在門口的應用


3.3 使用於空調房間的優勢


4. 3M地毯價錢與3M地墊實惠性

根據市場調查,3M地墊的價位相對實惠,價格範圍通常在HKD $300至HKD $800之間,根據尺寸和款式的不同而差異。這樣的價格不僅保證了良好的質量,還能有效提升居住環境的安全與舒適性,是長期投資的好選擇。

5. 3M地墊的維護與清潔建議


  • 定期使用吸塵器清理表面灰塵。
  • 如有污漬,可以用濕布輕輕擦拭,必要時可用中性清潔劑清洗。
  • 避免放置於陽光直射的地方,長期陽光曝曬會影響材料的顏色與彈性。

6. 結論:選擇3M地墊的理由


Frequently Asked Questions

1. 3M地墊有多少種類型可供選擇?


2. 如何選擇合適的3M地墊尺寸?
